Oi gente!! Hoje vim falar sobre a carta que temos que fazer de apresentação para a Host Family. Esperei o momento certo, depois de ter tudo corrigido para poder postar ela aqui para vocês.

Na APIA nós temos que escrever uma carta de apresentação de no mínimo 600 palavras. Eu olhei alguns modelos na internet e separei tópicos que eu gostaria de falar sobre:

  • Me apresentar;
  • Minha cidade;
  • Minha família;
  • Meus estudos e vida profissional;
  • Minha personalidade;
  • Tempo livre, o que gosto de fazer, minha personalidade e amigos;
  • Descrever resumidamente minha experiência com crianças;
  • O porque eu quero fazer o Au Pair e o que espero do programa.

Quando comecei a escrever pensei que não ia ser suficiente, aí eu vi que tinha dado mais de mil palavras haahahah. Como eu não queria que ficasse cansativo, eu reduzi tudo o que eu pude, pois tinha gostado do que tinha escrito, fiz de coração a carta.

No fim, a minha carta não teve nenhuma correção e as famílias que vieram falar comigo elogiaram bastante, pois consegui mostrar quem eu era. Tanto, que nos e-mail elas mencionavam coisas sobre minha carta e vídeo.

Enfim, vou deixar ela aqui para quem quiser usar como exemplo. Espero que eu consiga ajudar alguém. Qualquer ajuda que precisar, só deixar aqui nos comentários ou me mandar um e-mail.

PS: Se você for fazer o processo pela APIA, não coloque usa idade na carta, não sei porque, mas várias meninas recebem essa correção.

Dear host family,

My name is Elisabete, but my friends call me Elisa. I am Brazilian, and I live in Caxias do Sul, a big city of Rio Grande do Sul State. Here the city is beautiful, and the Italian tradition is very strong. I live with my grandparents Soeli and Almiro. My parents are separate, but I have a good relationship with them. My father Cristiano has a daughter, my little half-sister Isabelli. She is 4 years old. My mother Adriane lives in another city with my other two half-brothers Jonathan and Nathanael, they are 19 and 20 years old. Even my mother and my brothers living in another city, we talk to each other every time we can.

My family is big, and we are always together to lunch at weekends and holidays. We are always helping and supporting each other in everything is needed. My grandparents are a big example for me and I admire them so much. My grandma is always cheerful and ready to help people and my grandpa is a joker, always making fun of everything. 

I graduated in International Trade in 2016. Currently I work as an international business analyst. Since I was little I wanted to have contact and know new cultures, then I started study English and Spanish. Now, working in the area, I’m having the possibility of doing this, but is not enough to me. That’s why I choose to do an exchange, being able to live a new culture. 

I would describe myself as an open-minded, patient, optimistic, reliable and creative person. My family and friends say that I am dedicated and easygoing. I am a very flexible person, I like to test and do new thing. 

At my free time I like to stay with my friends, family and boyfriend. I usually spend my free time watching series and movies, reading books and writing. One of my biggest dreams is write a book. I also love to go to the cinema, I just love superhero and horror movies. One of my hobbies is to cook, almost everything I know I’ve learn with my grandma, besides that I like to try different recipes from the internet. I’m an energetic person, so I like to do outside activities like run and swim at the summer. I just got my drive license, but I start to learn at the middle of last year with my grandpa, and I just love it. I consider myself a responsible and safe driver.

Now, the most important part, my experience with children. My experience started at the family with my cousins Ana Clara, Giovanni and Eduarda. Ana Clara is an only child, but I have so much contact with her and her parents that we are like sisters. I start help taking care of her since she was born. I also lived six months with them, so with her I learn to do everything, do baths, help with the meals, help her get ready for school, for ballet lessons, taking her to ballet classes, and everything a big sister can do. 

Giovanni and Eduarda are siblings. I started taking care of them since Eduarda was born and Giovanni had 5 years old. They have five years of difference, so with them I had to learn how to do thing to please both at the same time. We love watch movies together, play video games and pretend we were at Harry Potter’s movies. Now, Giovanni, Eduarda and Ana Clara are 17, 12 and 11 years old. With them I learn how to take care of a child. I learn how to be creative, a lot of kid’s songs and stories, and how all they need is attention, good examples and love.

At 2013 I stared work at my old school daycare. There I was a teacher helper. I worked with 22 kids from 5 to 6 years old. I used to help them with their class activities, prepare kids games, stay with them during breaks with activities, help at snack time, teach how to brush their teeth, assist in the use of the bathroom, change diapers (of the little kids from other class), make story time and perform activities with music and dance. With them I needed do learn how be a lot more creative, give attention and help a lot of kids at the same time. 

After that, my little brave princess was born. Isabelli, my sister, is 4 years old now. I love spend time with her, because she always has something new to teach me. Literally nothing compares to her energy and charisma. She is a smart kid that love to dance, sing, perform and do outside activities. With her I learn the unconditional love. 

Last year I started my experience with two amazing siblings, Antonio and Augusto. Antonio was 9 months old at the time and Augusto 5 years and 3 months old. Antonio has a such amazing energy that we call him “atom-ant”. Augusto is the opposite, he is calm and the lovely kid I ever known. I help them with the meals, change diapers, give baby bottles, assist with personal hygiene, entertain and play tricks for both ages, have fun, put them to sleep and help with the motor and speech development. Augusto presents a diagnosis compatible with the "Autistic Spectrum Disorder" (ASD). It was a challenge, because I had to learn everything about him.

I also do volunteer work always I can. Every festive date, like ester, children’s day and Christmas, me and my friend Julia make a campaign to raise donations for needy childrens, that live in shelters or participate of social projects in the city. 

Taking care of these amazing children I learned a lot, as being responsible for a child, love theirs differences, give good examples and treat them like they were my own. I also realize how we have a lot to learn with their innocence and sincerity.

I decided to become and Au Pair because I hope this experience can help me improve my English. Also, I would be able to realize one of my dreams, that is live a new culture. I think that it would be amazing to get to know about another country and culture while working, studying and living there. I want to do my best work and I will take care of your children as if they were my own. I just want to give my love to them how I used to do for every child I ever took care of. I want to be able to make difference at your kid’s life.

I will be waiting for your contact. I’m sure that we have a lot of great ideas and experiences to exchange.

I look forward to hearing from you. With love, Elisabete Padilha.

Qualquer dúvida ou sugestão só deixar aqui nos comentários.

Não deixe de acompanhar essa minha louca jornada na vida de quase Au Pair.

Beijos e fiquem bem,


Insta: @_elisapadilha



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